Stay Hydrated

Champagne or wine do come to mind but what I’m referring to is good old-fashioned WATER.  Yes some basic H2O will serve your body and mind well while traveling. Pack a travel water bottle in your bag and fill it up once you get through TSA security check area.  If you forget to pack a bottle, it is worth it to lay down the $4.00 for a bottle of water in the airport.  Let’s be honest, you would spend $8.00 on a cocktail at the airport bar right?!?! Water is going to be half of the cost of a drink so go ahead and splurge on some water.  If you are going to enjoy a cocktail on travel day, drinking water is even more important to keep your body hydrated.

Keep It Moving

Workout whenever it is possible during your trip.  If you can stick to your regular routine that’s even better!  If not, have a backup plan such as yoga in your hotel room, or pack some resistance bands.  I recently got these resistance bands which are easy to toss in my bag and can serve as a nice resistance workout in a pinch.

Small Choices Add Up

In the airport, if you can take the stairs instead of the escalator, get to stepping!  Instead of getting on the moving sidewalk, walk alongside it.  The benefit of short layovers  is the fast walking to the next gate gets the heart rate up (or running like a crazy person is an option…I’ve had those desperate make the flight or die moments too.) During a long layover, take advantage of getting extra steps in around the airport.  Most airports display artwork or have history information about the city which can be a nice self-guided walking tour. Eating out a lot can stack up the calories. Select smaller meals or do ½ a sandwich instead of a whole sandwich.  Anytime you can select a smaller portion, do that.  The cleaner and more basic you can eat while traveling, your GI system will thank you!

Clean Hands

This one is simple.  Wash your hands often.  Planes and airports have plenty of germs. There are many of reasons to practice good hygiene when traveling and one would be when you eat on the go. A lot of the foods that are easiest to eat on the go are finger foods which would be best eaten with clean hands.


Go With The Flow

Be willing to accept that things may not go as planned on your travel adventure and getting angry and frustrated about it isn’t good for your well being.  Nobody wants to be around a grumpy gill so don’t be one.  Why add the stress to yourself?  No matter if the travel day is going like you anticipated or not, remember to be kind to the people working in the travel industry be it at the airport, airline or hotel.  If you keep your cool and peace of mind, you will feel so much better at the end of the day.