
We are just a couple days away from Christmas. The holidays bring about different emotions and feelings for each of us. For many this year, holiday traditions have been altered in one way or another and for some, the holidays have always brought a range of emotions and anxiety for various reasons. I believe going into any holiday season, even more so this year, it is important to decide in advance what kind of experience you are going to have. Deciding to focus on appreciation will set you up for a positive experience regardless of what challenges are present. It is hard to be sad or irritated if you guide your mind to focus on what you appreciate.

The Kristi Jones Podcast - How Appreciation can make the holiday season bright
Focus on what you DO get to experience this holiday season instead of focusing your attention on what you aren’t able to do this year.

Dealing with change can be hard and our human tendency to have expectations of things being a certain way and then feeling disappointed when the expectation isn’t met is pretty normal. Give yourself some grace and give those around you grace and an extra level of understanding. We often don’t know the weight or challenges a person is carrying with them at any given moment even though they may have a huge smile on their face. Keep kindness at the forefront of your interactions. You become a blessing to others by just your presence when you extend grace to them and meet them where they are at.

So remind yourself, you are in the drivers seat per say to determine what kind of holiday season you will have. By being self aware, you will notice what is filling up your thoughts. Thoughts drive our emotions and if you focus on your mindset and all that can be appreciated, your experience is going to be much more positive. That’s not to say that the holiday season is going to go just as you have planned or you won’t find yourself having a moment of irritation or feeling blue. However, through self awareness, you can quickly realize you are falling in that mind trap and get your thoughts back on track of finding things to be appreciative for.

RELATED: Self Reflection: What it is and how to do it

So let me encourage you to take some time and become aware of what will make this holiday a special time for you and your loved ones. Focus on being appreciative and be willing to look at yourself as well. Asking ourselves a simple question….”How do I want this holiday season to be or how do I want to experience it this year? Is there any things I need to change within myself to be able to have that kind of experience?” Those two questions are a good starting point. Don’t waste time thinking of who else needs to change or what another person needs to do or not do. You can only control your thoughts and actions. You have the ability to adjust your perspective.

The Kristi Jones Podcast - How Appreciation can make the holiday season bright

Cirmcumstances may be changing up your usual holiday traditions, but you have the ability to have a joyful holiday! We can all be appreciative to have experienced another year of milestones and celebrations in 2020 no matter how different they may be.

The Kristi Jones Podcast - How Appreciation can make the holiday season bright

Wishing you peace and love this holiday season!