Navigating the Unexpected: Building Your Support Toolkit- The Kristi Jones
Show Podcast

Navigating the unexpected is something we all hope to handle well, but when life throws a curveball, it can be hard to know how to respond both practically and emotionally. A year ago, we were hit with the news that my husband needed major surgery, and things moved quickly. I wanted to be the best support I could be for him, which meant leaning on my tried-and-true practices to prepare myself. In this blog post, I’ll share strategies for supporting a loved one through surgery and some of my best practices to help you build your own “Toolkit For Life.” From becoming a patient advocate to ensuring you don’t get burned out during times of high stress, these insights are designed to help you navigate life’s challenges with grace, a steady mind, and a strong heart.

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1. Preparation: Setting the Stage for Support

When unexpected news hits, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The key is to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. This involves not only practical steps but also preparing your mindset.

  • At Home: Before the surgery, I made sure our home was ready for my husband’s return. Freshly washed bedding, comfortable pillows, and blankets were all set. I also stocked up on items that would make his recovery smoother—nutritious smoothies, refreshing drinks, and even essential oils to create a calming atmosphere. These small touches helped make our home a sanctuary for healing.
  • Your Mindset: Knowing I’d be in a major support role, I reached out to my therapist and confided in close friends. Talking about my anxieties and fears helped me process what was coming and allowed me to be emotionally present without holding everything inside. If you’re about to support someone through a challenging time, don’t hesitate to lean on your support system—whether it’s a therapist, pastor, or best friend. For myself, I rely on my faith in God to give me the grace for each situation even if I don’t feel equipped for it. A big portion of my mindset preparation for challenging times such at this revolves around my conversations with God and believing all things are in divine order.
  • Business Matters: It’s also crucial to tie up any loose ends before the surgery. We reviewed important documents like our healthcare proxy, will, and estate plan with our attorney. Ensuring that everything was in order gave us peace of mind and allowed us to focus entirely on my husband’s recovery.

2. Mindset: Navigating with Grace and Positivity

Related: Reframing Thoughts When Things Get Tough

Maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset was essential during this time. I reminded myself not to catastrophize the situation and to lean into my faith and beliefs. It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about the outcome, but it’s important to stay present and take things one step at a time. This mindset not only helped me stay grounded but also allowed me to provide the best support possible to my husband.

3. During the Surgery and Hospital Stay: Being the Best Advocate

Supporting a loved one through surgery means being their advocate, and that starts in the hospital. I made sure to be present during the doctor’s rounds and shift changes—key moments when crucial information is often shared.

Self-Care: It’s vital to take care of yourself so you can be the best support possible. I focused on eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep, even when it felt difficult. This was not the time to skimp on self-care. Taking short breaks to step outside for fresh air or listen to a podcast allowed me to recharge and avoid burnout.

Advocacy Tips: I took detailed notes, asked questions, and made sure to understand the medical jargon being thrown our way. Being present and informed meant I could make better decisions for my husband and ensure his needs were met.

4. Staying Grounded: Avoiding Burnout in Stressful Times

During highly stressful periods, it’s easy to neglect your well-being, but staying grounded is crucial. I made it a point to step outside the ICU whenever possible, take a walk, and simply breathe. Whether it was reading a book in the patient room or listening to calming music, these small moments of respite kept me centered and strong.

5. The Journey to Recovery: Thriving Beyond the Challenge

We are now thrilled to be on the other side of that ordeal, healthy and thriving. My hope is that by sharing these strategies, you too can feel less anxious and more prepared to support your loved one through any unexpected challenges that come your way. Life’s valleys may be inevitable, but with the right tools, they can feel more like speed bumps, allowing you to navigate them with confidence and grace.

Navigating the Unexpected: Building Your Support Toolkit- The Kristi Jones
Show Podcast

This journey taught me that preparation, both practical and emotional, is key. By building your own support toolkit, you can be ready to face the unexpected with a calm mind and an open heart. Whether you’re dealing with a major surgery or another life challenge, these strategies will help you stay grounded and be the best support you can be.

If you’re looking for coaching opportunities to live your life to the fullest you can learn more here about my one-on-one coaching opportunities or my Flourishing Edge Membership with my Flourishing Edge program.