Mastering the Mom Hustle: Focus, Flex, Flourish—A Game-Changing Workday Strategy, The Kristi Jones Show Podcast

Balancing career and family often feels like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. But what if there was a way to keep all those torches in the air without singeing your sanity? Today, we’re diving into a concept that will revolutionize how you approach your workday, especially if you’re a mom (or dad) juggling multiple responsibilities. As a busy working mom, I’ve lived through the chaos of trying to do it all, only to realize that doing it all doesn’t mean doing it well. That’s when I developed a method that helped me find satisfaction in my career and joy in my role as a mom. This method, which I’ve dubbed “Focus, Flex, Flourish,” has been a game-changer—not just for me, but for many of the incredible women I work with.

Listen to the full podcast here:

Let’s break it down:

Focus: Your Superpower in Action

Picture this: You’re sitting down with your laptop, ready to tackle that big project. Then, your phone buzzes with a notification—your favorite podcast just dropped a new episode. Five minutes later, the laundry machine beeps. Before you know it, an hour has passed, and your project is still on page one. Sound familiar?

That’s where Focus time comes in. This is your dedicated, uninterrupted work time. Think of it as your superhero cape—when you put it on, you’re unstoppable. Whether it’s 30 minutes or 2 hours, this is your chance to dive deep into your work. It’s like being in a “no-distraction zone”—no notifications, no multitasking, just pure, concentrated effort.

Mastering the Mom Hustle: Focus, Flex, Flourish—A Game-Changing Workday Strategy, The Kristi Jones Show Podcast

One of my friends calls this her “Batcave Time.” She locks the door, turns off all notifications, and even puts on a pair of noise-canceling headphones. Her kids know that when mom’s in the Batcave, it’s serious business. And guess what? She’s more productive in that hour than most people are all day!

Flex: Embrace the Unexpected

Life doesn’t always go according to plan—ask any parent who’s tried to enjoy a hot cup of coffee. This is where Flex time comes in. This is your moment to roll with the punches and adapt to whatever life throws your way.

For example, during a typical work-from-home day, you might start by tackling emails while your kid is playing nearby. Sure, you may have to pause to clean up a spilled juice box or settle a toy dispute, but that’s the beauty of Flex time. It’s not about powering through; it’s about managing the little things that keep your day running smoothly.

Think of Flex time as your ability to switch gears. Remember when Steve Harvey accidentally announced the wrong Miss Universe winner? Talk about needing to pivot! Just like that, Flex time lets you handle the lighter tasks while staying available for the unexpected—whether it’s a last-minute meeting or a sudden school call.

Flourish: Time to Recharge and Thrive

Now, let’s talk about Flourish time—this is where the magic happens. Flourish time is all about stepping away from work completely and focusing on what truly matters. This is your chance to be 100% present for your family, your hobbies, or even that Netflix series you’ve been dying to binge-watch.

I used to struggle with this part. For years, I found it hard to step away from work, thinking I needed to be “on” all the time. But here’s the thing: if you don’t take time to recharge, you’ll burn out. It’s like running a marathon without ever stopping for water—you won’t make it to the finish line.

One of my favorite Flourish activities is baking with your kid. Yes, the kitchen might look like a flour bomb went off, but the joy on their face (and the taste of fresh cookies) makes it all worth it. It’s these moments that remind you why it’s so important to disconnect from work and connect with the people who matter most.

Mastering the Mom Hustle: Focus, Flex, Flourish—A Game-Changing Workday Strategy, The Kristi Jones Show Podcast

Making It Work for You

So, how do you make this method work for you? Start small. Choose one thing you can focus on, one task to flex with, and one way to flourish each day. It might be as simple as setting a 30-minute focus block, organizing your to-do list during flex time, and enjoying a family dinner without checking your phone.

Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Just like learning to ride a bike, it takes practice. And before you know it, you’ll be zooming down the path of work-life balance with the wind in your hair.

RELATED: Habit Making: It doesn’t just take 21 days

So, are you ready to Focus, Flex, and Flourish? Your superhero cape is waiting—let’s go!

If you’re looking for coaching opportunities to live your life to the fullest you can learn more here about my one-on-one coaching opportunities or my Flourishing Edge Membership with my Flourishing Edge program.