“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8

This morning I meditated on this scripture and really let it sink in to my soul. I read that scripture and recall all the times in my life these words ring true. The many times how I sought spiritual guidance and made decision when at the fork in the road of life contemplating which way I should go, which decision I should make. I have so often leaned on God for guidance in my life.  Some decisions are easier… what I call simple every day decisions. I have this ongoing daily conversation with God over even the simplest things, kind of how you would confide in your closest confidant and seek and appreciate their insight and counsel. Doing that gives me peace and just feels right for me.   Then there are other decisions over the years that have been the kind I would get sick to my stomach over. Decisions that could change the direction of my life, affect the lives for those I love, and when I became a mom, my decisions now involved my son who had filled my heart in a way I never thought possible and gave my life new purpose the moment I held him in my arms. I feared at times making the wrong decision and not being able to become all I could be or unable to achieve my true purpose in my lifetime.

This scripture comforts me knowing each day He will reach out to guide me in the right direction, counsel and comfort me and always watch over me. This takes away the fear of making the so-called wrong decision when the “big stuff” comes up in life. Listening to that still small voice inside me and letting it be my guide. The key is for me to LISTEN and not to try and have it all figured out ahead of time. For a type A person like me that sometimes has been the biggest challenge. I want to have thought of every scenario, how to overcome it, have a plan A, Plan B and Plan C. Exhausting right! If anything, I haven’t had issue with is making decisions and acting on them. To do nothing drives me crazy! However, learning to have patience, being disciplined to seek His guidance before rushing in to take action or make a decision sure has been a learning process.

I have experiences I can look back on and see where God and I were in total sync and flow. I could easily feel His guidance and direction in my life…but what about the times I chose to ignore His guidance, or grew impatient waiting or think “my plan” or “my way” was a better way to go. Oh yes, I have done that as well! Sometimes I felt God wasn’t working fast enough or his timetable didn’t match what I had in mind. I would say to God, “real life here isn’t going to wait…I’m not one to sit idle and do nothing.” Sometimes, I have taken matters into my own hands to do what I think needs to be done. Funny how that works isn’t it? Trusting in the divine source to show us or guide us at times but then other times we figure we got this handled and can do it our way whatever that means at the moment.

We gain wisdom and experience as we go through life and learn that we can’t have it all figured out and anticipate every loophole in life. It is always easier to look back and see how we could have done things differently and even if our past decisions were a little off course, I believe God will make it all work for our good. When our intentions are good, God knows this.  His grace overcomes any of our shortcomings.

I know for sure that God’s grace abounds.  When I falter or come up short in this department and try to take matters into my own hands per say, He probably chuckles, laughs and knows I am a hardheaded woman and some things take time. Nothing is really a surprise to Him! Good thing He has patience! Being a work in progress is a lifetime assignment and an exciting one I must add. I truly believe no one ever “arrives” in life-not spiritually or not in the secular things of the world such as career, relationships, health, fitness, etc.  Instead, we remain students in life, always learning, growing and being open to new depths of knowledge, new levels of understanding and deeper ways to love. It is when we shut ourselves off from growth or don’t seek His guidance along our journey, we hinder our ability to expand and limit our opportunity to become the full source of light and love we are meant to be.