Unleashing Your September Superpowers: Lean into your Strengths for Success
Sep 28, 2023 | Personal Development, Podcast | 0 Comments
Welcome to another exciting episode where we explore the power of self-discovery and harnessing your unique strengths. As we usher in September, a new month filled with opportunities, it's the perfect time to reflect on what makes you exceptional. In this episode,...
The No BS Goal-Setting Strategies
Sep 21, 2023 | Personal Development, Podcast | 0 Comments
In today's fast-paced world, setting and achieving our goals can sometimes feel like an elusive dream. We often find ourselves either overwhelmed by a Goal Scatterstorm, where our objectives are scattered in every direction, or...
September- Reset, Build Momentum, and Finish the Year Strong
Sep 14, 2023 | Health & Wellness, Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Personal Development, Podcast | 0 Comments
September can be a powerful time to revisit and recommit to the goals you set at the beginning of the year. It's like a second chance to make progress! It’s common to lose momentum and steam about this time of year on goals,...
Stop Overthinking: Tips and Resources to Help Quiet Your Mind
Sep 7, 2023 | Personal Development, Podcast | 0 Comments
So many of us fall in the trap of overthinking. I’m doing this episode by request from some of my listeners who wanted to know how to stop overthinking. The habit of overthinking prevents us from taking action, causes undo stress and impairs our decision making...

Hey there, I'm Kristi
I’m the powerhouse behind transforming dreams into reality! I’ve cracked the code on merging success with soul-satisfying fulfillment.
Through coaching, speaking and my weekly podcast, The Kristi Jones Show, I’m on a mission to help high achievers like you break barriers, find their fire, and live life on their own terms.

Get my free download on feeling confident fast in just 5 easy ways.