Discover your Purpose

Discover your Purpose

How many times have you thought about…man what exactly is my purpose in life??? It’s a loaded question for sure but I believe we make it harder and tougher than it needs to be to answer that for ourself. After I spoke a conference to young women at a university, at...

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The Success Formula

The Success Formula

What does it take to be successful? Ask around and you will find different answers. In this episode I am sharing 3 key areas to hone in on to find success in any area of your life.  RELATED: Do you need to redefine what success means to you? In the podcast I share a...

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Hey there, I'm Kristi

I’m the powerhouse behind transforming dreams into reality! I’ve cracked the code on merging success with soul-satisfying fulfillment.

Through coaching, speaking and my weekly podcast, The Kristi Jones Show, I’m on a mission to help high achievers like you break barriers, find their fire, and live life on their own terms