What to ask yourself when pursuing your dream
Mar 16, 2023 | Personal Development, Podcast, Self Development | 0 Comments
RELATED: Your Potential & Your Purpose So what’s your dream…your vision…maybe a goal you have that is far reaching for you? If you want to give yourself a jumpstart toward your vision, this podcast is for you! I share 6 key questions to ask yourself when pursuing...
Self Reflection: What it is and Why You Want to Do It
Mar 9, 2023 | Personal Development, Podcast, Self Development | 0 Comments
Self reflection can mean something different to just about everybody, but in general it is the art of looking back on a specific situation, instance, or area of one’s personal life in order to learn from mistakes, grow, and understand on a deeper level why certain...
What does it mean to live life full?
Feb 28, 2023 | Lifestyle, Personal Development, Podcast, Self Development | 0 Comments
For you to live your life fully is unique to you. It is not a cookie cutter kind of thing! To live your life to the fullest will look different to each and every one of us. You define success. Period! You get to determine what will give you fulfillment. Are you just...
Self-Care and Stress: How the Two Go Hand-in-Hand
Feb 14, 2023 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Wellness | 0 Comments
"Self-care is key to leading a happy and healthy life! Make sure to prioritize yourself by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and doing activities that make you feel relaxed and refreshed. Remember, you are worth taking care of!" -Kristi Jones, Life &...

Hey there, I'm Kristi
I’m the powerhouse behind transforming dreams into reality! I’ve cracked the code on merging success with soul-satisfying fulfillment.
Through coaching, speaking and my weekly podcast, The Kristi Jones Show, I’m on a mission to help high achievers like you break barriers, find their fire, and live life on their own terms.

Get my free download on feeling confident fast in just 5 easy ways.