
Well, we’ve had enough time to get our feet wet into this new year. As I’m sitting here writing this, we are about a week into 2021 and If you follow my instagram stories you know I’ve been a busy bee at home purging drawers, closets, and just organizing all of my space around me. I don’t love to clean out cabinets or closets…it is something I have to really motivate myself to do. I always wonder who does love that, because I would invite your over to drink wine and help me clean out! But seriously, it feels good to purge things we don’t’ need anymore in our life and begin with a clean slate…or clean closet…either way, it feels good! So let’s Reset and Refocus.

The Kristi Jones Podcast -Reset and Refocus for 2021

So cleaning out our physical surroundings like I’ve been doing, is a good opportunity to also put some thought into what else we may need to “tidy up” in our life by removing the unused, negative, time to move on from that thing to allow space to draw into our life what aligns with us as we are now and what moves us forward. I find the time between Christmas and the first week of the New Year always feels a bit like a little reset in general to realign myself with my values and the life I want to create. I do a lot of journaling, quiet time, and a turning inward to dive deeper into my spirit. To make room for new, I believe we have to clean out the old or stagnant items. Removing thoughts, patterns and even stuff that no longer fit into our life or serve us in a positive way, moves us toward all the positive, fresh experiences for us to grow and live out our purpose. Now is as a good as time as ever to just LET IT GO. Realize what no longer aligns with where you are going and all that you are now. Self awareness is an important component of knowing what needs to go and what needs to stay.

RELATED: Let it Go (to someone else) | The Art of Delegation.

I’ve been circling back to one word these recent days for myself in 2021 and that word is FOCUS. To remain focused towards the purpose of my life, to the work I most enjoy, the things that fill me up and the relationships I cherish. Whatever you have decided to set your intention on for 2021, I encourage you to just get started. Don’t sit around planning, wondering, making excuses, or over complicating things. First things first and that is to just get started! Let go of perfectionist ways or perfectionist thoughts as those patterns could be holding you back. Let go of thinking you have to have it all figured out for the next 3, 6 or 9 months. If you have decided to do some “clean up” in your life be it in areas of fitness, mental health, emotional health, career, or simply home organization, taking one step in the direction of the outcome you desire is a big win! You don’t have to have steps 1-10 figured out right this very minute. I have watched people become paralyzed or overwhelmed with trying to figure it all out ahead of time and then never start on what they are working towards.

So take a deep slow breath. Pat yourself on the back for showing up today to live your life the best way you know how today. Whatever your intentions are for this new year, don’t overcomplicate it. One simple action is movement in the right direction. Most importantly, get started. There is no perfect time. There is not a perfect way. There is simply you, your mindset and then what you will do about it. Do something or do nothing. Both are actions but the doing something will move you forward. We can “talk” about what we want to do and create in 2021…. or we can just simply take a step and do it. One step at a time.

The Kristi Jones Podcast -Reset and Refocus for 2021

Here we go friends…..confidently marching into 2021 knowing life is happening for us not to us. These are good times to be alive! I’m excited for this year and all that lies ahead for you and me to experience! Let’s go! Xoxoxo

The Kristi Jones Podcast - Reset and Refocus for 2021